009 - Toolbox: Bullet writing
Given their recent discussion on how officers get promoted and the changes coming to that system, Colin and Reed felt it appropriate to share some thoughts on the critical skill of bullet writing. 01:15 - People don't get promoted; their records do05:52 - Tip #1: The best way to learn to write bullets is to write bullets08:34 - Tip #2: Find a bullet jedi12:36 - Tip #3: Follow existing guidance15:10 - Tip #4: Look up/Raise your vision19:43 - Tip #5: Some career fields and people are easier to write about than others22:42 - Tip #6: Follow the format that your boss wants24:48 - Rapid fire suggestions for bullet writing29:19 - Post your bullets to the Facebook discussion group to get some feedback (see https://www.facebook.com/groups/airforceofficerpodcast/)Email your questions and comments to airforceofficerpodcast@gmail.com. Join the discussion about the podcast, the Air Force, officership, and the Profession of Arms at https://www.facebook.com/groups/airforceofficerpodcast/.Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AirForceOfficerPodcast/Follow us on Instagram: airforceofficerpodcast. Follow us on Twitter: afofficerpod. Follow us on Reddit: u/afofficerpodShare your officer stories of all flavors using #officerAF.