008 - Colin's tips for success in AFROTC
Following Reed's thoughts on how to be successful at OTS, Colin shares some ideas on how to succeed in Air Force ROTC. 01:17 - OTS is a package deal03:08 - Tip #1: Learn to prioritize07:38 - What should you pick for an academic major? (see AFROTC's "Highly Desired Majors" https://www.afrotc.com/scholarships/desired-majors/)16:51 - Tools for establishing priorities23:37 - Tip #2: Air Force ROTC is not enough29:17 - You're preparing for a lifestyle, not a job33:05 - Professional reading is critical to your development36:27 - Field Training is not hard40:51 - Tip #3: Air Force ROTC is not the Air Force46:47 - Look for the principles that carry over into the Air ForceEmail your questions and comments to airforceofficerpodcast@gmail.com. Join the discussion about the podcast, the Air Force, officership, and the Profession of Arms at https://www.facebook.com/groups/airforceofficerpodcast/.Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AirForceOfficerPodcast/Follow us on Instagram: airforceofficerpodcast. Follow us on Twitter: afofficerpod. Follow us on Reddit: u/afofficerpodShare your officer stories of all flavors using #officerAF.