Executive Summary to Volume II (Mueller Report, Nov. 2020 update)
This episode covers the "Executive Summary to Volume 2," pages 3 to 8, from Volume 2 of the "Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election." The executive summary provides an overview of the investigation's focus on a series of actions by the President related to the Russian-interference investigations, and an overview of the constitutional issues raised by the Special Counsel. Executive Summary to Volume II (0:58) Factual results of the obstruction investigation (1:16) The Campaign's response to reports about Russian support for Trump (1:23) Conduct involving FBI Director Comey and Michael Flynn (2:17) The President's reaction to the continuing Russia investigation (3:47) The President's termination of Comey (5:11) The appointment of a Special Counsel and efforts to remove him (6:30) Efforts to curtail the Special Counsel's investigation (7:56) Efforts to prevent public disclosure of evidence (9:19) Further efforts to have the Attorney General take control of the investigation (10:19) Efforts to have McGahn deny that the President had ordered him to have the Special Counsel removed (11:17) Conduct towards Flynn, Manafort, and Stone (12:12) Conduct involving Michael Cohen (13:18) Overarching factual issues (14:47) Statutory and Constitutional defenses (17:18) Statutory defenses (17:35) Constitutional defenses (18:27) Conclusion (21:01) Mueller Report Audio - muellerreportaudio.com Presented by Timberlane Media - patreon.com/timberlanemedia Donate anonymously - glow.fm/insider Or donate with Crypto Music by Lee Rosevere