Raising Money, Saving Money and Receiving Grants
[av_social_share title='Share this entry' style='' buttons='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''] Episode Summary There are ways that you can raise money, save money, and receive grants to improve your nonprofit’s operations. Google Grants is one of these ways that can help organizations earn up to $10,000 per month in grants. All you have to do is: Select words that are related to your cause. Write short text ads using Google’s online system and choose landing page for each ad. Pay attention to the ad as it shows up in the search results that are related to the keywords you selected before. Encourage people click the ads to donate to your cause. Make sure the ad is compelling. One tool that fundraisers can utilize to improve their campaign is a funnel. A funnel is a marketing tool that allows organizations to direct their leads toward a call to action, this call to action usually asks for a donation or volunteers (as is the case for nonprofits) and sales (for businesses). If you provide a subscription page for people in your community to sign up and support your organization, and then provide a confirmation page that thanks your new subscriber, then you would have created an email opt-in funnel. Take that email opt-in funnel and add an option to donate to a special campaign on the confirmation page, and then you’re well on your way to creating fundraising funnels that convert website visitors into donors. But, if only it was just that simple… Because here’s the truth… It’s not. In order to convert visitors into donors, we need to nurture them and create trust in your relationship. We need to create a strong connection with our audience through discovering what messaging immediately resonates with them. And, we need to consistently build on their preferences to provide ways to enable them to deepen their involvement and support. One chapter in our book discusses the use of marketing funnels in detail, along with the importance of having an updated website. The principle behind this to make it easy for your supporters to give their support, to guide them at their own pace, so that when they’re ready to give, they do so freely and whole-heartedly. There is no need for subliminal influence, deception, or any of the sort of underhanded trickery. A genuine, honest campaign is what truly gets you support. Our book follows the example of one of history’s most loved figures, Abraham Lincoln, in his quest to eliminate slavery and to ultimately save the soul of the nation. You can build a community that takes action. Remove ANY distractions. Have a clear purpose and no more than ONE call to action… Use messaging that stands out… Create content that is clear, direct and easy to relate to from the reader’s point-of-view. Structure your steps. Organize smaller steps in a logical way that teaches your community members to interact and engage with your content that calls to action… Find what readers identify with… Focus on WHAT matters to YOUR audience and what they base parts of their identity on. For example: create connection, provide ways for your readers to connect by visiting your website, joining your mailing list or following you on social media. All of these strategies will bring YOU and YOUR readers closer… Remember to check out the podcast as we are joined by Jackie Posada-Hess who’s going to help us learn more about raising money, saving money and receiving grants for Your Non-Profit. About Jackie Posada-Hess GEMZ founding member Jackie Posada’s career has been in the marketing, business development and sales for over 25 years with the last 15 years being an online/offline entrepreneur Small business, Nonprofit Consultant. She has been heavily involved with helping the Latino, minority community start and grow businesses and nonprofits as well. She has facilitated marketing bilingual trainings for Building Contractors, local small businesses as well as nonprofit organizations. [av_button_big label='Join the Grow Your Non-Profit Facebook Group!' description_pos='above' link='manually,https://www.facebook.com/groups/growyournonprofit/' link_target='' icon_select='yes-left-icon' icon='ue8f5' font='entypo-fontello' custom_font='#ffffff' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' color_hover='theme-color-subtle' custom_bg_hover='#444444' custom_font_hover='#421c52!important' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''] Click here to join a community of non-profit professionals leveraging digital marketing and technology to grow their communities and improve their fundraising systems. [/av_button_big]