Matt Gallant co-host Eli Suarez
In this episode CJ sits down with his good buddies Matt and Eli following a once in a lifetime Jerry Miculek hand gun course. CJ met Matt during his first USPSA match, and Matt quickly began answering questions and being a guide for the guys. Matt has a short but very respectable back round in practical shooting. Matt isn't just there for the scores on the weekend however, Matt believes in the 2nd amendment and being a prepared citizen during these fragile times. In this episode the guys discuss their immediate feedback after the course, being prepared for the worst case scenario, being good representatives for gun owners, and host of other topics you will not want to miss. Attending your first match and running into a guy like Matt is ultimately what is going to grow the sport, he was welcoming and informative helping the guys through the growing pains. There is a lot to learn from someone like Matt, make sure you follow him on Instagram at@mg.colorado and watch him burn it down with his "cheater gun" pcc as well as limited and carry optics.