Sobre el bien común (ft. Manuel Rodríguez Banchs y Armando Pintado)

¿Qué es el «bien común» y cuál su historia e importancia en Puerto Rico? Para contestar estas preguntas nos acompañan el Lic. Manuel Rodríguez Banchs, abogado laboral, y Armando Pintado de la organización Construyamos Otro Acuerdo.  Libros mencionados por el Ldco. Rodíguez Banchs  Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America de Nancy MacLean McAlevey, Jane. “A Collective Bargain: Unions, Organizing, and the Fight for Democracy”, Harper-Collins, New York, 2020. Referencias The issue begins with a Call to Action in this Moment, laying out the argument and making a specific case for how to approach the next few years.   Malini Cadambi-Daniel and Patrick Nowlan call for the movement to approach higher education organizing through a BCG lens, reimagining what we collectively want the system to be for all of us.   Saqib Bhatti and Kevin Connor draw out the linkages between going up the money tree to those really in power and the Bargaining for the Common Good approach.       Maurice Weeks and Liz Perlman describe the racial justice analysis undergirding BCG by telling the story of an AFSCME local organizing in the University of California system.   Armando Santiago Pintado and Manuel Rodríguez Banchs discuss how Puerto rican movement leaders are fighting to transform their communities using the BCG approach.   Armando Santiago Pintado y Manuel Rodríguez Banchs discuten como líderes puertorriqueños del movimiento están luchando para transformar sus comunidades usando la herramienta de Negociación por el Bien Común.   Harmony Goldberg and Valery Alzaga describe how combining popular education and Bargaining for the Common Good helps build a powerful movement army from the ground up with a shared analysis of how the super-rich are driving injustice in all our communities.   Erin Mahoney and Rita Berlofa draw out how bank workers around the world are gaining ground by using a Bargaining for the Common Good framework, uniting tellers and consumers who are both victims of these large financial institutions.   Christina Livingston, Afua Atta-Mensah and Sara Myklebust draw out the importance of home in this moment, how housing has become a commodity and the need for a labor-community partnership to fight for the shelter we all deserve.   Merrie Najimy and Joe McCartin share the historical context for BCG and how it builds on centuries of labor and community organizing for social and economic justice to take on this moment and create an equitable world.

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