COVID-19: Feeding Kids During the Pandemic | OAS Episode 91
This podcast is one in a series NCSL is producing to focus on how states are taking action in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The podcasts and a new webinar series look at public health responses, workplace issues, education and childcare, the economy, elections and continuity of government. Today’s podcast started with a simple question: How are we feeding the 22 million children who get free or reduced-cost meals every day at school? To help answer it, we’re first talking with Carolyn Vega, senior manager for Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry campaign, who offers a national perspective on what states are doing and can do. Our second guest is Montana Rep. Moffie Funk (D) who gives a state-level perspective, especially on the challenge of getting meals to children in rural areas. Coronavirus Resources for States Page Coronavirus and State Legislatures in the News NCSL COVID-19 Resources: Hunger and Nutrition Programs No Kid Hungry OAS Episode 91 Transcription Representative Moffie Funk (D) Legislative Homepage