Ready, Set, Count: Kicking Off the Census | OAS Episode 85
The U.S. Census, the once-a-decade count of everyone in the country, starts this month. Coming right up is Census Day, April 1, by which time everyone should have received a notification to fill out the census. When you respond you tell the census bureau where you live on April 1. To discuss the stakes in the census—everything from federal money to redistricting—we check in with Wendy Underhill, NCSL’s program director for Elections and Redistricting. Later in the show, we talk with Kathleen Styles, chief of decennial communications and stakeholder relations at the U.S. Census Bureau. Resources Differential Privacy for Census Data Explained 2020 Census Resources and Legislation 2020 Census Talking Points (for Legislators and Others) Transcription of OAS Episode 85