Microsoft trusted advisors at your fingertips
This week we focus on what it means to work with Microsoft and our partners throughout your technology journey. Hear from several customer-facing Microsoft roles about the on-going value you can expect from working with them. Technology Solutions Professional (TSP) Lori Gowin gives beneficial advice to future Microsoft customers. Chris Bortlik and Paul Summers, architects from the Boston Microsoft Technology Center (MTC), describe how they design visual proof-of-concepts and do live hackathons of real business challenges for customers throughout the year. Also, our new segment, "Try This" - an audible "how to" within SharePoint in Office 365.
TRT: 1hr 21min
- Show Intro [00:00:00:00]
- Topic of the Week – Working with Microsoft [00:02:23:00]
- Guest Perspective – Lori Gowin, TSP [00:17:32:00]
- Guest Perspective – Chris Bortlik & Paul Summers, Boston Microsoft MTC [00:43:10:00]
- Guest Perspective – Marc Anderson, Sympraxis; Ryan Thomas, Timlin Enterprises [00:56:00:00]
- FAQs of the Week [01:03:20:00]
- Try This [01:13:15:00]
- Article of the Week [01:15:45:00]
- Upcoming Events [01:17:54:00]
- Show Wrap / Outro
Primary resources and social:
SharePoint Facebook @MSSharePoint
SharePoint Twitter@SharePoint
Mark Kashman Twitter @mkashman
Chris McNulty Twitter @cmcnulty2000
Bill Baer Twitter @williambaer
European SharePoint Twitter @EuropeanSP
SharePoint Fest Twitter @SharePointFest
Chris Bortlik on Twitter cbortlik, Technet Blog
Paul Summers on Twitter
Lori Gowin, on Twitter lorigowin
Article: "Build your modern intranet on SharePoint in Office 365"
Microsoft FastTrack ["Request Assistance for Office 365" form]
Productivity Library [numerous supported scenarios]
Microsoft Technology Center (MTC) worldwide locations
Upcoming Events:
SPS Events Twitter @SPS_Events
European SharePoint Conference (ESPC; Copenhagen, Denmark Nov.26-29, 2018)
SharePoint Fest Chicago (Dec.4-7.2018)
Office and SharePoint LIVE! 360, December 2-7, 2018
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