Cloud admins are human, too

The cloud represents a big opportunity for IT Pros. This shift doesn't mean YOUR shift is over. It simply means a new, often second title emerges: cloud admin. Cloud admins help get to the cloud, enable business solutions, while ensuring the right level of governance is established and maintained. In this episode, Mark and Chris check in with Bill Baer, senior product manager focused on SharePoint admin and SharePoint spaces, and share all of the SharePoint IT news from Microsoft Ignite 2018. They then check in with  Ben Stegink, SharePoint Consultant at Intelligink and host of the Microsoft Cloud IT Pro podcast, who further helps unravel what it means to be a cloud admin for SharePoint in Office 365. 

Duration: 1hr 5min

  1. Show Intro
  2. Topic of the Week – Cloud Admin with Bill Baer [00:05:50:00]
  3. Guest Perspective – Cloud Admin with Ben Stegink [00:16:29:00]
  4. FAQs of the Week [00:50:20:00]
  5. Article of the Week [00:54:57:00]
  6. Upcoming Events [00:58:23:00]


What if Eduardo Nunez had been playing back one more foot…” ESPN by Sam Miller

Manage sites in the new SharePoint admin center (Microsoft Office Support) 

Assign admin roles in Office 365 for business (Microsoft Office Support) 

About Office 365 admin roles (Microsoft Office Support) 

About the SPO admin role in O365 (Microsoft Office Support)

Learn more about SharePoint spaces and nominate your organization for the private preview. 


Primary resources and links:

SharePoint site

SharePoint Community Blog

SharePoint Facebook @MSSharePoint

SharePoint Twitter@SharePoint

SPS Events

SPS Events Twitter @SPS_Events

Mark Kashman Twitter @mkashman

Chris McNulty Twitter @cmcnulty2000

Bill Baer Twitter @williambaer

SP Migration tool

Microsoft Cloud IT Pro podcast and on Twitter @msclouditpro

Ben Stegink Blog and on Twitter  @benstegink



Upcoming Events:

European SharePoint Conference (ESPC; Copenhagen, Denmark Nov.26-29, 2018): 

Office and SharePoint LIVE! 360, December 2-7, 2018


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