Pop! goes Funko!
In this episode, we follow-up with Funko Inc. one year after Microsoft's team + MVPs swooped in for an intranet makeover: SharePoint Swoop. Hear from Funko's Kurt Dicus, VP of IT, and Scott Christensen, SharePoint Consultant, as well their product development team called The Shire to find out all they have implemented since November 2017. We also talk with Sean Squires, senior program manager on the SharePoint engineering team, and Bob German, Partner Technology Architect, about how they helped create a custom SharePoint site design behind the scenes during filming of Swoop. Funko put the tech under their toys and kept growing their intranet in lockstep with the fast growth of their business. #SharePointSwoop
Duration: 1hr 15min
- Show Intro
- Topic of the Week – FUNKO, Kurt Dicus and Scott Christensen [00:05:45:00],
- Funko, Inside the Wetmore Forest [00:23:08:00]
- Funko Shire Team, Trisha Cunningham and Michelle Mauro [00:24:40:00]
- Guest Perspective – Microsoft, Bob German and Sean Squires [00:33:00:00]
- FAQs of the Week [00:55:55:00]
- Article of the Week [01:09:20:00]
- Upcoming Events [01:11:30:00]
SharePoint Swoop - the intranet makeover show: https://aka.ms/SharePointSwoop
Office 365 Dev Blog (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/office/blogs/)
Docs.microsoft.com (details on the what and how – including the latest JSON schema for site script construction) – see aka.ms/spsitedesigns
GitHub – for samples (aka.ms/spsitescriptsamples – and we want yours!)
POP! yourself https://www.funko.com/pop-yourself
"Bobblehead Boom: FUNKO GROWS WITH SPEED AND TECH TO DELIVER MORE POP CULTURE FUN” on the Microsoft Transform blog
Primary resources and social:
SharePoint Facebook @MSSharePoint
SharePoint Twitter@SharePoint
SPS Events Twitter @SPS_Events
Mark Kashman Twitter @mkashman
Chris McNulty Twitter @cmcnulty2000
Sean Squires Twitter @iamseansquires
Bob German Twitter @Bob1German
Upcoming Events:
European SharePoint Conference (ESPC) Copenhagen, Denmark. Nov.26-29, 2018
Office and SharePoint LIVE! 360, December 2-7, 2018
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