JUICY QaA - Drunk Nights, Marriage Flaws, and More! (Ep. 5)
Get ready guys for my first QaA and I had a lot of great questions submitted by you guys so thank you so much for those who did! This is really an episode for you to just sit back, grab a drink, and learn a little more about me and things you probably didn't know. Question topics include: - Overview of Who I Am - How did I know Wyatt was "It" and Heartbreak - Biggest Goals for 25 - Amount of Drinking Now - Hooked Up in a Public Area - Embarrassing Thing My Parents Caught me Doing - Remembering Everything I See Or Everything I Hear - Celebrity Dinner Date - Biggest Turnoff - First Thing I’d Do As the Opposite Sex - Favorite Place to Want to Visit - Best and Worst Part of Marriage - Belief that has Changed and Why - Being God Oriented and Being an Influencer - Nothing Time Activity - Dealing with Doubt - Binge Eating - 20 Years Later - Wildest College Story --------------------------------------------------- Follow Des Scoggin, aka: ME! Instagram ➭ https://www.instagram.com/desb___ Twitter ➭ https://twitter.com/desbfit Youtube ➭ https://www.youtube.com/desireescogginfitness Facebook ➭ https://www.facebook.com/desbfittraining My Weekly Emails ➭https://desbfittraining.us18.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=7f9e9f35e528c72d50a82d9c1aid=c056ef31c7 Official Website ➭ https://www.desbfittraining.com --------------------------------------------------- ((( ANNOUNCEMENTS ))) - OPEN FACEBOOK FITNESS COMMUNITY: www.facebook.com/groups/dbftcommunity New DBFT rebranded merch is here: https://desbfittraining.myshopify.com --------------------------------------------------- F A Q -what’s your real name? Desiree -what’s your instagram? www.instagram.com/desb___ -how old are you? 24 -how tall are you? 5'7 -whats your Spotify playlist? https://open.spotify.com/user/desb___ -what do you order at Dunkin? Large hot coffee, 1 pump SF coconut, 1 flavor swirl French Vanilla, 1 cream + 2 splenda -skin care routine? https://www.tula.com / CODE "desb" to save 20% -self tanner? https://glowprotans.com/?aff=71 / CODE "desb" to save $ -my huge water jug? https://www.thehydrojug.com / CODE: "desb" to save $ -supplements I use? https://www.alaninu.com / CODE "desb" AND -how to find my free stuff and codes? https://www.desbfittraining.com/desb