023 One of the many roles the salon owner has is that of ‘Marketing’.

“What is marketing?” If that question makes you stop a second and think you need to listen as Antony discusses all things marketing on this episode of the Grow My Salon Business podcast. There are three significant areas he will focus on with many other ideas surfacing along the way.

 Listen in as we discuss:

  • What is marketing meant to do?
  • Why it is essential to understand who your target market or client is.
  • What is the concept of your salon business?

Marketing is communication by connecting and engaging with people. Marketing used to be about advertising, but today if you advertise who you are and what you do, it isn’t enough. It is about making a promise to your clients and potential clients and then delivering on that promise. What message are you and your team communicating 24/7? 

Antony discusses and explains the functions of marketing, the first being defining your vision, the second is the positioning of the brand, the third cohesive image, setting the experience, and advertising finishes it up. Building a business is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle; each piece comes together to make a whole.

Who is your ideal client? Antony says that is the first thing you need to know and market to that type of client. He asks, ‘if my salon was a magazine which one would it be?’ Be clear on what your salon concept is what you are offering. The key to successful marketing is reaching people who already want to buy what you sell. 

Antony gives a set of questions that you should ask yourself when deciding what kind of salon you want to have. He said to think about the questions and answers and see if you have the salon you wish to have. Antony chats about business models and that no matter which one you chose, there is money to be made if you do it correctly.

Listen to this excellent marketing information and see if there are some areas you could change or market better.

In This Episode:

[00:30] Welcome to today’s episode with Antony.

[01:07] What is marketing?

[01:37] Marketing used to be about advertising, but today it is about engaging people.

[02:24] Effective marketing must be authentic to connect and engage people.

[04:07] Antony discusses the functions of marketing, the first being vision

[04:45] The second being positioning the brand.

[06:15] The third is developing a cohesive image.

[06:40] Defining the experience is the fourth.

[06:55] Then there would be advertising.

[07:50] Marketing is also about social media, but one alone will not help, but collectively they can help you achieve what you are striving for.

[08:35] Building a business is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle.

[10:28] The role of marketing is about growth, and the purpose of marketing is communication.

[11:22] Five new clients a week is a healthy rate of growth.

[12:17] The problem is turning the new clients into regulars and keeping them.

[13:11] It starts with understanding who your target market is or who your ideal client is.

[16:00] If your salon was a magazine, which magazine which one would it be?

[18:08] Be clear on who you are and what your salon is offering.

[19:13] What is the concept for your salon? Why will a client come to you over all of the other salons?

[20:58] Antony describes the different types of salons and where they fall on the price scale.

[25:19] A successful business model today is not necessarily the one that will be successful tomorrow.

[26:08] How do you decide where you should put your focus? Where is your ambition?

[28:48] Where are the opportunities in your market might be a question you want to ask yourself.

[29:45] Where is the money to be made is another question to ask yourself.

[31:26] One type of business is not better or worse than another; there is money to be made in all of them.

[32:26] Another question to ask is, how well do you communicate your point of difference?

[33:07] Make sure that everything you are communicating speaks to the same message so that everything is cohesive.

[34:07] Pause this podcast, ponder each of these questions, and see what answer you come up with.

[35:02] My salon concept is?

[35:41] My ideal client is?

[36:25] The perfect size and location of my salon is?

[37:21] I have aligned myself with the XYZ product company because?

[38:14] To our clients, we are known for?

[39:05] The top three things that will attract and keep our team?

[39:27] What sets us apart from the competition is?

[40:38] If you liked today’s episode, please share and write a review.


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