001 Welcome to The Grow My Salon Business Podcast!
Welcome to the ‘Grow My Salon Business Podcast.'
We live in amazing times and we are in a great industry, and arguably one that’s evolving faster than at anytime in the past, so keeping informed, being inspired and open to change is now more important than ever before.
This podcast series is primarily aimed at salon owners and managers, and the focus is clearly aimed at providing practical help, ideas and advice. But I also want to challenge your thinking and inspire you to ‘step up’ and get out of your comfort zone so that you can build the salon business that you have always dreamed of.
I am going to be speaking with what could loosely be described as ‘thought leaders’ in the industry across many different countries. Some of them you will know others you may never have heard of, but I promise you that they will all bring something insightful to the table, something that can help you to grow your salon business.
Someone once said to me, “Whatever the question is, the answer is ‘Education’.” Well, my goal is that this podcast series will help in your education, on your journey to build the successful salon business that you dreamt about.