WTFat?! Preventing Eating Disorders with Michael Levine, Ph.D., FAED | Episode 17
Prolific researcher Dr. Michael Levine joins us on the podcast to talk about sociocultural factors associated with eating disorders as well as prevention of eating disorders. We talked about: Dr. Levine’s background and career The approaches to understanding ED development through the biological/neurobiological perspective and the sociocultural lens What does the sociocultural perspective state? Does it ignore biology? What are the most important things in preventing eating disorders? What is the Bolder Model? Talk about how you become such a great male ally and feminist and any tips you may have for other men who want to be allies Resources mentioned in this episode: HAES. Health At Every Size ® by Dr. Linda Bacon Amazon Smile. Go to to sign up to support your favorite charities, including NEDA Body Wars by Dr. Margo Maine: This podcast is hosted and produced by Janean Anderson, Ph.D., CEDS. Dr. Anderson is a licensed psychologist, author, and podcast host. She holds the Certified Eating Disorder Specialist designation from the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals (IAEDP). She is the Founder and Director of Colorado Therapy a Assessment Center, an outpatient treatment center in Denver, Colorado that specializes in eating disorders. Dr. Anderson also provides private, one-on-one recovery coaching for listeners of the podcast. Interested? Email for more info: To learn more about the podcast, visit Want a free sample of Dr. Anderson’s book, Recover Your Perspective? Sign up at or email us at to request to be added to our email list. Follow Dr. Anderson’s work here: Get emails about Dr. Anderson’s writing and other happenings at This podcast is sponsored by 'Ai Pono Maui. 'Ai Pono is led by internationally renowned expert on eating disorders, Dr. Anita Johnston. Located in a home-like ocean front facility in beautiful Maui, Hawaii, Ai Pono offers residential, partial hospitalization, and intensive outpatient treatment for eating disorders. Visit This podcast is sponsored by EDCare. EDCare has provided PHP, IOP a Outpatient treatment for all genders, 18 and over, since 2001. CAMSA ( which stands for Connection, Acceptance, Mindfulness, Sense of Self a Action), is EDCare’s mindfulness-based treatment approach and is incorporated into each individualized treatment plan. Facilities are located in Denver, Colorado Springs and Kansas City and all treatment is supported by Masters’ Level Clinicians or higher. EDCare offers 4 specialty tracks (BED, ELITE Athlete, Substance Use, a Trauma), and the Connections House, an affordable supportive housing component, adds an extra layer of supervised support. or (866) 771-0861