Rising Strong in the Recovery Process with Jennifer Lombardi, MFT, CEDS, CDWF | Episode 15
Brene Brown’s concepts meet eating disorder recovery in this episode of The Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast. Jennifer Lombardi joins us to talk about Brene Brown’s Rising Strong process as it applies to eating disorder recovery. Jennifer walks us through Brene’s core concepts of Rising Strong; the reckoning, the rumble, and the revolution as well as exploring the power of vulnerability. We discuss: Jennifer’s background, training, and expertise with eating disorders and Brene Brown’s work Jennifer’s experience as a clinician with 22 years recovery from an eating disorder Background on Brene Brown and why everyone should know her work What does Rising Strong mean? The Rising Strong Process The Reckoning The Rumble The Revolution The role of shame stories in recovery and why the stories we tell ourselves matter Why vulnerability is necessary in eating disorder recovery How we can own our eating disorder stories Jennifer Lombardi, LMFT, CEDS, CDWF is a Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Eating Disorder Specialist. She is also a Certified Daring Way Facilitator, trained in Brene Brown’s curriculum and trained by Dr. Brown herself. She has extensive training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), please visit www.maudsleyparents.org). She is a nationally-sought speaker and media expert on the topics of eating disorders, ACT, body image and exercise compulsion. She is the only Certified Eating Disorders Specialist (CEDS) in the Rocklin/Roseville area providing outpatient services (for information on CEDS, please click here You can learn more about Jennifer at www.EmpathicWay.com Want to learn more about Dr. Brene Brown? http://brenebrown.com Her Houston TEDX talk, one of the most watched TED talks of all time: https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_on_vulnerability This podcast is hosted and produced by Janean Anderson, Ph.D., CEDS. Dr. Anderson is a licensed psychologist, author, and podcast host. She holds the Certified Eating Disorder Specialist designation from the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals (IAEDP). She is the Founder and Director of Colorado Therapy a Assessment Center, an outpatient treatment center in Denver, Colorado that specializes in eating disorders. Dr. Anderson also provides private, one-on-one recovery coaching for listeners of the podcast. Interested? Email for more info: podcast@eatingdisorderrecoverypodcast.com To learn more about the podcast, visit www.eatingdisorderrecoverypodcast.com. Follow Dr. Anderson’s work here: Facebook.com/DrAndersonAuthor Facebook.com/DrJaneanAnderson Twitter.com/DrJanean Get emails about Dr. Anderson’s writing and other happenings at www.eatingdisorderrecoverypodcast.com This podcast is sponsored by 'Ai Pono Maui. 'Ai Pono is led by internationally renowned expert on eating disorders, Dr. Anita Johnston. Located in a home-like ocean front facility in beautiful Maui, Hawaii, Ai Pono offers residential, partial hospitalization, and intensive outpatient treatment for eating disorders. Visit aiponomaui.com This podcast is sponsored by EDCare. EDCare has provided PHP, IOP a Outpatient treatment for all genders, 18 and over, since 2001. CAMSA ( which stands for Connection, Acceptance, Mindfulness, Sense of Self a Action), is EDCare’s mindfulness-based treatment approach and is incorporated into each individualized treatment plan. Facilities are located in Denver, Colorado Springs and Kansas City and all treatment is supported by Masters’ Level Clinicians or higher. EDCare offers 4 specialty tracks (BED, ELITE Athlete, Substance Use, a Trauma), and the Connections House, an affordable supportive housing component, adds an extra layer of supervised support. www.eatingdisorder.care or (866) 771-0861