Ep95: Best a Worst Sweeteners w/Keto Connect |Diet Sodas|Fat Bombs| Blood Sugar Experiment
Recast Classic - Matt and Megha of keto connect to give us the science and tricks to enjoy some of your favorite foods. Best and Worst Sweeteners to use on a keto diet. Effects of stevia, erythritol, monk fruit, even aspartame and sucralose have on our blood sugar. Easiest keto fat bombs! Controversial topic of diet sodas! Where do diet soda fits into a keto diet and you may be surprised from what you hear! . Links mentioned in this episode! . Discounts mentioned on this show at https://burnitnutrition.com/podcast95/. . Dry Farm Wines 1 Penny Bottle Here www.DryFarmWines.com/Burnit/ . . . Ned Full Spectrum CBD North Star Membership and get 15% off your first order —WITH FREE SHIPPING plus all the member benefits: www.helloned.com/BURNIT and use code “BURNIT” . . . . Podcast Shop Page for 5th Stage Keto Body Transformation at https://burnitnutrition.com/shop . Learn more about Keto Connect: Keto Connect's Website: https://www.ketoconnect.net/ Keto Connect's CookBook: Here Additional links in show notes page: https://burnitnutrition.com/podcast95/ . Leave me a rating a review on Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/burn-it-nutrition-podcast/id1195955730?mt=2 . Follow Joseph Navarro on Instagram under @BurnitNutrition . Follow Joseph Navarro on Facebook under @BurnitNutrition . Thank You for Listening!! Please share this episode! Be the one who helps spark a transformation in your family! Feedback to share? Send email to info@BurnitNutrition.com Subscribe! Don’t miss another episode! Some Music tracks were from: Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau) Year: 2018 Title: Shadows Title: Emotional Piano Title: Redemption Mystery by GoSoundtrack, Reloaded by Savfk, Deep Blue by Pold, Ross Bugden Music all of the Mountain King" Kevin MacLeod Philae by Olivaw Creative Commons — http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b Notice of Sponsorship Affiliate Disclosure with Ned, Dry Farm Wines, Amazon, . Please read the full medical disclaimer burnitnutrition.com/medical-disclaimer/