Recast6: A minicast to Cheer up during these tough times! Can Laughter Save Your Life? Science a Benefits of Laughing
COVID-19 Coronavirus updates Vitamin C a Intermittent Fasting The power of Laughter for health . Links mentioned in this episode! . Discounts mentioned on this show at . . 1 Penny Bottle from Dry Farm Wines at . . Amazon Link to the Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid Powder I use: Amazon Link to Liposomal Vitamin C I use: COVID-19 Coronavirus info: . Leave me a rating a review on Apple Podcasts: . Follow Joseph Navarro on Instagram under @BurnitNutrition . Follow Joseph Navarro on Facebook under @BurnitNutrition . Thank You for Listening!! Please share this episode! Be the one who helps spark a transformation in your family! Feedback to share? Send email to Subscribe! Don’t miss another episode! Some Music tracks were from: Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau) Year: 2018 Title: Shadows Title: Emotional Piano Title: Redemption Mystery by GoSoundtrack, Reloaded by Savfk, Deep Blue by Pold, Ross Bugden Music all of the Mountain King" Kevin MacLeod Philae by Olivaw Creative Commons — Notice of Sponsorship Affiliate Disclosure with Dry Farm Wines, Amazon, Tonal, . Please read the full medical disclaimer