How to Respect Your Body [IE Summer Series #5]
In Part 5 of my Intuitive Eating Summer Series, I am digging into Principle 8: Respect your Body. In this episode, you will learn: What it means to respect your body Why body respect is a necessary aspect of Intuitive Eating How to quit the comparison game Why kindness is key SIGN UP FOR MY FREE INTUITIVE MAMA SERIES! It starts on July 26-- and it's ONLY available ONE week before it's locked in the Society! Join for free today. For an overview of the 10 principles, listen to Episode 004: The 10 Principles of Intuitive EatingClick for full show notes: FULL SHOW NOTESFind me on social: InstagramFacebookQuotes from Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program that works by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch© 2012 St. Martin's Griffin; Third edition