EP#89 The Episode where you realize you are a Lightworker and find out EXACTLY your mission
This episode is specifically designed to help you realize that you are a Lightworker. There is a massive shift in consciousness taking place on Planet Earth right now, and If you are reading this right now ...you are part of the shift! We all have a higher mission in life ...and in this special episode I'll help to reveal exactly what it is. Much Love a Namaste To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: https://whatsmyvibration.com To join The Shift Academy click here: aarondoughty.com/theshiftacademy For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: https://events.genndi.com/register/818182175026324307/4e3eb392ee Instagram: https://instagram.com/aaron_doughty44/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC48MclMZIY_EaOQwatzCpvw Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-expand-your-awareness-podcast-2-0/id1455761627?mt=2 Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/5mVETgyaXMeznNC70v71YO Stitcher | https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/aaron-doughty/the-expand-your-awareness-podcast-20-with-aaron-doughty?refid=stpr