EP#43 Shadow-Work (my experience)
Once you become aware of your own shadow you'll instantly take your power back. We are all unconscious beings to a certain extent......yet the moment you become aware of your own blind-spots is the moment everything shifts. In order to live an authentic life.....you must increase your level of awareness and let go of what no longer serves you.....yet you simply cannot change that which you are unaware of. This episode I'll show you exactly how to integrate your shadow.....increase your awareness and live from your authentic core. Much Love a Namaste To Experience the LIVE Webinar click here: https://events.genndi.com/register/818182175026324307/9b9171a456 To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: https://aarondoughty.com/shift1 Instagram: https://instagram.com/aaron_doughty44/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC48MclMZIY_EaOQwatzCpvw Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-expand-your-awareness-podcast-2-0/id1455761627?mt=2 Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/5mVETgyaXMeznNC70v71YO Stitcher | https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/aaron-doughty/the-expand-your-awareness-podcast-20-with-aaron-doughty?refid=stpr