WARNING: The Manifestation DELAY is Going AWAY (what to do about it)
The more you realize that life is a form of dream, the more dream-like your life will become. We are going through a collective shift in consciousness right now on the planet. Everything is connected.....our collective vibration has the power to influence physical reality. The earth is becoming less dense as more and more people wake up. This episode I'll show you exactly how to shift your vibration.....and manifest the life you prefer. Much Love a Namaste For my Complete The Past Meditation click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGiJ51B0HGU To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: https://aarondoughty.com/shift1 Instagram: https://instagram.com/aaron_doughty44/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC48MclMZIY_EaOQwatzCpvw Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-expand-your-awareness-podcast-2-0/id1455761627?mt=2 Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/5mVETgyaXMeznNC70v71YO Stitcher | https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/aaron-doughty/the-expand-your-awareness-podcast-20-with-aaron-doughty?refid=stpr