EP#20 Manifesting from Source Energy 101
In this episode, I'm going to be doing something new which is a way to a more guided meditations. By the end of this episode, you will learn that actually there is a universal source intention that flows through every single person, and this spiritual energy is the power of intention. This is a source energy that everyone has access to. Everyone can connect with the focus, with the decision, the choice to connect to it, and the more that we connect to this power, the more we begin to tap into who we really are. To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: https://aarondoughty.com/shift1 Instagram: https://instagram.com/aaron_doughty44/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC48MclMZIY_EaOQwatzCpvw Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-expand-your-awareness-podcast-2-0/id1455761627?mt=2 Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/5mVETgyaXMeznNC70v71YO Stitcher | https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/aaron-doughty/the-expand-your-awareness-podcast-20-with-aaron-doughty?refid=stpr