Managing IBS and Food Intolerances with Dietitian Chloe Mcleod
As I have touched on in earlier episodes, when energy is insufficient due to restrictive eating and/or excessive exercise our body tries to reduce the threat and in an effort to become more energy efficient it dials down non-essential bodily processes such as our reproductive cycle and digestion. Working in private practice and helping my clients to restore a healthy relationship with food and body I have seen countless clients also presenting with digestive complaints and self-diagnosed food intolerances. For these clients this self-diagnosis has led to further restrictions in their diets leading to poorer outcomes due to the energy and nutrient deficiencies. Further, this behaviour has had negative impact on their mental and social health. Interestingly for many of my clients, after implementing a regular and balanced eating pattern and restoration a healthy weight, 9 out of 10 times these symptoms have disappeared completely. Of course this is not always the case nor the answer and why having the correct knowledge and support is vital! Although I have a basic level of understanding when it comes to food intolerances and allergies, when my client needs specialised support in this area I will always refer on. I thought it would be a great opportunity to chat further on this topic with fellow dietitian Chloe Mcleod. Chloe is an Advanced Sports Dietitian who specialises in gut health, food intolerances and sports nutrition. With over 10 years’ experience in the industry, Chloe’s expert knowledge provides a sought after ability to help her clients be their healthiest selves. With a Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics and a Masters of Public Health, Chloe is passionate about helping individuals make positive changes to their lifestyle. Chloe co-owns Nutrition consultancy business Health a Performance Collective, and has created a world class; online course, The FODMAP Challenge helping individuals identify triggers of IBS, and is the lead author of the book ‘Anti-Inflammatory Eating’. Some questions we cover in this episode include: Can you tell us why you decided to become a dietitian and where your interest in digestive disorders came about? Can you explain to us the differences between a food intolerance, food allergies and IBS? How common is IBS? IBS and food intolerances: where does FODMAPS fit in and what are FODMAPS? Are there any factors that increase our risk of developing a food intolerance/IBS? How would someone know if they have a food intolerance/IBS? What are the signs and symptoms and how is it diagnosed? What is the treatment for food intolerances/IBS? Do you recognise any issues with self-diagnosis? What do you find are the greatest challenges with managing a food intolerance/IBS? Can you tell us a bit more about your online program The FODMAP Challenge, who is this for and what you get out of it? What would you like to see for the future in the management of digestive disorders? Do you have any tips for people A) who are experiencing digestion issues and looking for further information or support and B) those with a diagnosis but struggling with managing and enjoying their food and eating For more information on Chloe and her services visit her website or check her out on Instagram! For more information on my 1:1 coaching visit my website or connect with me on Instagram!