Eat Well, Move Well Podcast #7 – Special guest Autumn Dreessen, RD
Registered Dietitians, labeling confusion, and more… What did we talk about? Shopping tour shenanigans, and what’s up with the labels, like natural, organic, fat free, sugar free, low carb, grass-fed, grain-fed, vegetarian fed meats and poultry, and more. Organic vs Natural What’s the deal with Registered Dietitians? What they learn in school, on the job training, and the need to do your own research and reading, even if you’re an RD, and one RD’s opinion on carbs and sugars for diabetics. Dirty Dozen, Clean Fifteen – Every year, the Environmental Working Group publishes their ‘dirty dozen’ worst offenders when it comes to pesticides, and their ‘clean fifteen’ which is their list of produce lowest in pesticides. Check out the latest list: Dirty Dozen, Clean Fifteen. This year, it’s the Dirty Dozen, plus! That can’t be good… We also talked about Movement as a Way of Life vs organized training or planned exercise. Examiner Article Why it may be better to workout less, not more. Just a little less, don’t go crazy and get all lazy. NY Times Right click and choose ‘save link as…’ to save to your pc: Eat Well, Move Well Podcast #7 or Subscribe to the “Eat Well, Move Well Podcast” using iTunes Questions? Comments? The post Eat Well, Move Well Podcast #7 – Special guest Autumn Dreessen, RD appeared first on #EatMoveLive52.