How To Be A Badass - TCW45
Most guys tend to suspect that men with POWER are the ones who get all the women. That can be social power, physical power, financial power and even intellectual power. But what if you're not exactly the center of your social circle, don't have the physique of a WWE wrestler, aren't exactly a Yale graduate and can't write a check for a million bucks? Can you still attract the women you REALLY want? The answer is a resounding YES...but you'll have to know how to harness your inner badass and introduce him to the world. Josh and I are going to show you how to do exactly that...all in the name of making the chicks go wild and scream your name (or at least one special one). Listen in as we also answer a terrific voicemail from Brian in Kentucky on whether he should try to get his ex back or go ahead and let his ex set him up with her hot friends instead, like she wants to. Wait until you hear our surprising answers to that one. If you haven't checked out the new Facebook page yet, head to for a free special report on how to reconnect with women you knew months or even years ago on Facebook. === HELP US SEND THE MESSAGE TO GREAT MEN EVERYWHERE === We'll keep the solid, actionable content coming...all for free. If you love what you hear, please give us a 'thumbs up' by rating the show (takes one second) and leaving us a review. As we say here in Texas, we appreciate you!