Is Marriage For Chumps? - TCW34
We're joined by none other than Adam Lyons for an upfront discussion on marriage--all from the perspective of two guys who are both happily married AND professional dating coaches. No question is off the table as we talk about monogamy vs. open relationships, the right and wrong reasons to get married, why dating more women now means a stronger marriage later, and more. Pay particularly close attention when Adam gives you step-by-step details on how he went from AFC to living the good life with his favorite woman ever. And YES...whether you're thinking it's time to find a wife or you've all vowed never to tie the knot, be sure to listen up...there's something in this episode for everyone. Plus, we answer a voicemail from Andre in Indiana about a woman who seems interested, but is still keeping him at arm's length. What's up with that? === HELP US SEND THE MESSAGE TO GREAT MEN EVERYWHERE === We'll keep the solid, actionable content coming...all for free. If you love what you hear, please give us a 'thumbs up' by rating the show (takes one second) and leaving us a review. As we say here in Texas, we appreciate you!