Is She Interested In You? - TCW28
OK, here's a 'pop quiz'. There's only one question, so this is 'pass/fail' all the way. What is THE most important factor when you're talking to a woman for the first time? Well, our co-host--the legendary Doc Love--says it's HER INTEREST LEVEL IN YOU. And guess what? According to Doc, that REMAINS the most important factor as long as you're in a relationship with her. And he may just be on to something here. After all, this guy has been at this dating and seduction advice stuff since 1964...that's 45 YEARS for those of you without a calculator handy. So get ready to kick it 'old skool' for this latest episode of TCW. As such, you may not agree with everything you hear on this show. (So what else is new, right?) But I can all but GUARANTEE you some solid takeaways that WILL take your game to the next level. And if you haven't snagged your FREE copy of Twiduction from, there's still time. Get the e-book and get subscribed to the newsletter--all in one easy step. === HELP US SEND THE MESSAGE TO GREAT MEN EVERYWHERE === We'll keep the solid, actionable content coming...all for free. If you love what you hear, please give us a 'thumbs up' by rating the show (takes one second) and leaving us a review. As we say here in Texas, we appreciate you!