Deepen Your Relationship With Sex, Magic with Real-World Benefits!
Dr. Janelle Alex and Rob Alex have found that adding intention, awareness, and a belief in sacredness to their sex life has brought them not only increased intimacy and pleasure, they've experienced real-world benefits as well, opportunities and promotions that come to them like magic after they connect on the physical plane. What can you create with the powerful energy of sexuality? Healing, manifestation, or even if you just want to have fun and add a spark of adventure to your relationship, has an intimate adventure or twelve for you. Rob and Janelle will describe several Sexy Challenges that they've tried, tested and laid out for you, and they'll tell the incredible story of what real magic sex brings to their lives. Not only is sex fun, but it can transcend what most people think is even possible. Dr. Janelle Alex will also tell us about, where she help women connect with their sacred selves so that they can fuel the rest of their lives with love and vitality. Rob a Janelle not only help couples spice up their love life, they also work on compassionate communication with The Couple's Spot. They'll tell us the most simple way to diffuse an argument, that most of us habitually destroy. Do you want a more fun, successful, and special relationship? While we've discussed sacred sex ideas like tantra, orgasmic meditation, and even sacred BDSM before, this is a particularly magical and mind-blowing episode of Sexploration with Monika. You won't believe what sex, intention, and awareness can do, perhaps you should experiment with it yourself!