Slut Walk: Power, Sex, a Consent Culture
You've probably heard, "what was she wearing?" or "why was she in his bedroom?" as someone talks about rape. Why do we blame the victim instead of the rapist? Even a police officer during a safety class in Toronto said, to remain safe "women should avoid dressing like sluts." Thousands of people protested in front of the Toronto police department, and the SlutWalk movement began. SlutWalk marches have spread throughout the US, Berlin, India, Morocco, Singapore and all over the globe. Join us as we celebrate slut-positivity and consent culture at San Francisco's Slut Walk 2012. We'll talk to Tommi Avicolli Mecca about Stonewall, the Gay Liberation Front in the 70's a connections between transgender violence and slut-shaming. We'll also talk about protecting sex-workers from rape and a new law claiming to protect victims of human sex trafficking. Maxine Doogan, founder of the Erotic Service Provider Legal Educational and Research Project has shocking finding about the horrible fine print in this law, abuse by police and explains how Prop 35 makes sex workers even more vulnerable. You don't have to be a slut to benefit from living in a slut-positive world. Jadelynn Stahl, one of the organizers of SlutWalk SF Bay, deconstructs how social power and sexual power are affected by victim-blaming, slut-shaming, and infantilizing the rapist. How we can speak out a claim our right to safety no matter where we are, what we're doing, or what clothes we're wearing - if we're sluts and even if we're not sluts!?