Scarlit has six months of the adult biz under her belt! She begins with sharing some gnarly childhood stories, one being about the time when she was four-years old and fell out of a fast-moving car from the backseat! As she’s rolling across the pavement, she sees a semi hurling down the road her direction!! She shares other stories about crazy happenings when she was at the age of four! Needless to say, she dreads the number four… Scarlit shares the intimate details about her lesbian shoot for LESBIAN ACTS. She also mentions her upcoming Christmas movie named SWEET SINNER – so be on the lookout for that! Scarlit goes into depth about her feelings when it comes to shooting scenes with guys and/or girls. She also talks about her upcoming shoot with GIRLFRIEND FILMS. Dave and Scarlit talk about her personal life, along with the importance of a strong support system and issues with content trade. They move onto to her shooting reality scenes for B.R. BANGER and the complexities of the shoot. Scarlit shares her outfit choice for the PORN AWARDS – literally rock‘in it in lace and a leash!! As for candy she loves Sour Patch Kids, Whoppers, and Blow Pops (60 calories each)! It’s a new take on to swallow or not!! Scarlit chats about her phobias, one of which Tropophobia – fear of holes!! She also has recurring dreams of her teeth falling out! She also talks about her culinary skills and her love for cooking and food! But when not in the kitchen, she’s all about having all her favs delivered courtesy of PostMates!! She chats about her Twitter a Instagram accounts – thanking her fans! Instagram: scarLITscandalTwitter: therealscarLITscandal