Personal Growth and Evolution in BDSM-S01E44
Recorded: May 27, 2018 / Published: June 3, 2018Call in at 865-268-4005 to leave your question or visit us at https://kudrinskrypt.comOn this episode of The Krypt, we are going to talk about personal growth and evolution in BDSM and what it means for you and what its been like for myself and Funsize...and speaking of the world greatest cohost...hello Funsize.Amii from AustraliaRules to Love by:Safe, sane, consensual, and informedKNKI: Knowledge, No Intolerance, Kindness, Integrity“Submission is not about authority and it’s not about obedience; it is all about relationships of love and respect.” -Wm. Paul YoungDefinitionPersonal evolution is just that. It is how we evolve and grow over time.What leads to our evolution?LearningStarting out many of us simply had the idea of a kink or activity sounding fun, but as we learned about that specific thing we started to grow and evolve. As we learned more we found more that we wanted to learn about and the process continued.ExperienceOne type of learning is through experience. It's hands-on, real-world activity, and interaction that shapes the way we view the world, and ourselves.StimulationStimulation comes from experience. We define what we do and do not like or want to participate in through the mental, physical, and emotional stimulation we receive. ChangeFinally, change is what shows the rest of the world how learning, experiencing, and being stimulated in certain ways has affected us. In the context of BDSMPersonal evolution happens to all of us and should continue to happen throughout all our lives. We start out as newbies in something, even when we've been part of the lifestyle for a long time. We learn about that interest, experience it when we're ready, take in the stimulation, and it changes part of who we are. I always think of the learning stage as being a newbie, the experience stage as becoming an amateur, the stimulation as a novice, and finally the changing stage as mastering a part of yourself.Occasionally we will hit a plateau in the cycle of growth, we get burnt out, or just have trouble finding our next interest. It doesn't mean you can't or won't keep growing. Often a plateau is a temporary pause before you find yourself growing in leaps and bounds. This is simply because it is not human nature to stop growing.Also sometimes being on a particular journey of personal evolution can jettison you into a frenzy. I'd also like to mention that you should experience personal evolution through the course of your relationships too. We learn from our partners, those experiences, and can make profound changes to ourselves.How we have evolvedFunsizeStartin as simply being interested, to entering into submissive in training, to starting dominant training, and finally to becoming a switch.Master Kuldrin?From incredibly shy and naive but secretly super kinky to exploring with a partner as a switch in an underground vampire scene, to developing a strong position as Dominant in a hybrid leather family with extremely high protocol, to what I am now which is currently in an ongoing state of evolution where I have relaxed some of my required protocols and enhanced the more spontaneous primal side of myself...and in doing so completely accepting that I might not be the same person when I wake up tomorrow that I am today.A final note or two.I’d like to thank our Executive Producers Jeff, Jeremiah, and Sihlus, our Senior Producers Matt and Jeremy, our Producers Kainsin, Danni, and Heather, and our Jr. Producers K-2SO, Irish Mt. Dragon, and BuffaloDom84. If you would like to become one of our show producers go to our website, to get that information.Second, I’d like to talk BDSM contracts for their donation of their beautiful 25 page soft and hardbound M/s and D/s contracts.. coupon code: kuldrin20 for a 20% discount on all purchases.And finally, I’d like to thank my personal maker of leather and paracord impact toys.NEXT WEEK’S AGENDANext, on The Krypt we are going to go into detail about hurt vs harm. In the meantime go to for show notes, how to subscribe information, and the link to Fetlife group so you can take part in the conversation and be eligible for giveaways. While you’re there click on support us to become a Patreon supporter.Contact info:Email: / funsize@kuldrinskrypt.comFetlife Group: Kuldrin FireTwitter: @MasterKuldrinInstagram: kuldrinfirePatreon: kuldrinskryptPaypal: MasterKuldrin This has been Master Kuldrin and Funsize for Unearth the Truth