S01E20-Professional Doms Funsize Interrogates Kuldrin

Kuldrin’s KryptS01E21-Explaining Professional DominationJune 19th, 2017IntroThis is Kuldrin’s Krypt season 1 episode 21 for June 19th, 2017.Welcome to Kuldrin’s Krypt I'm your host Master Kuldrin. If you are new to the show this is a place to dispel myths, get rid of stereotypes, and answer your questions about BDSM. You can call in at 865-268-4005 to leave your question or visit the Krypt at kudrinskrypt.com. On this episode of the Krypt it all about BDSM without sex but first I have to say hello to my lovely co-host from Order-of-Avalon.com, Funsize.Before we get into the main topic I have a couple of things to bring up.First I’d like to thank our patreon supporter The Accidental Trucker...he’s been around since the beginning of the show. He gives a dollar a month. If the listeners are getting anything out of I’d be greatful if they would visit the site and click on the support us tab to give through patreon.Second, I’d like to talk BDSM contracts. http://bdsmcontracts.org coupon code: kuldrin20 for a 20% discount on all purchases.Rules to Love by:Safe, sane, consensual, informedKNKI: Knowledge, No Intolerence, Kindness, Integrity“Submission is not about authority and it’s not about obedience; it is all about relationships of love and respect.” -Wm. Paul YoungPro Dom QuestionsWhat is a pro dom?What is and isn't legal?What is the vetting process for clients? How does one become a prodom?It is different from other forms of D/s?    How?How do you find a prodom in your area?Costs for services?Accepting and turning away clientele?What can interested sub do to ensure the safest possible experience?IMVU and other communities vs. r/l dungeons?What kind of services are typically offered?How to get set up as a prodom?How to make a profit?Getting a loyal client base?Findomination and prodoms?  Training to be a prodom?Taxes, how is it listed as a legal business?How is a client different from a lifestyle sub?Working alone vs. working in a pro dungeon?Finding a pro dungeon?What makes a good pro dom?Personal limits and interests, and how they effect professionalism?NEXT WEEK’S AGENDANext on The Krypt I am going to giving a lot of myself to you as Funsize interrogates me about the ins and out of being a Professional Dom. In the meantime go to kuldrinskrypt.com for shownotes, how to subscribe information, and the link to Facebook group so you can take part in the conversation and be eligible for the monthly giveaway. While you’re there click on support us for the patreon link.Contact info:Email: Sir@kuldrinskrypt.com / funsize@kuldrinskrypt.comFb: Kuldrin FireTwitter: @MasterKuldrinInstagram: kuldrinfirePatreon: kuldrinskryptPaypal: MasterKuldrinhttp://kuldrinskrypt.com/contactresourcehttp://www.order-of-avalon.comOutro: This has been Master Kuldrin and Funsize for kuldrinskrypt.com: Unearth the Truth

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