029 Swinging Part 1: Tips For Newbie Swingers, Jealousy, Swinger Parties, Finding Swingers Online
This time we're joined by Cooper and Ginger from Life on the Swingset to have a fun conversation about the joys ethical nonmonogamy. In fact, we were having so much fun that we didn't get to half the topics we wanted to discuss, so we'll be reconvening our foursome to finish the interview in a couple weeks for Swinging Part 2.Some of the issues we cover in this episode include: How to safely and comfortably dip a toe into swinging when you've got no idea if it's right for you, jealousy and how to make it a non-issue, avoiding common newbie mistakes, swinger parties for beginners, how to go about finding your first swinging playmates online or in real life, and the straight story on how swingers view body types in relation to choosing playmates. Show Links: Life on the Swingset The Swingset on iTunes New Ending The Sexual Dark Age group on Fetlife Show Website: Sexualdarkage.com