Strategies for helping others as we try to help ourselves
Ben Adair, Owen Muir MD and Rebecca Sinclair PhD, are joined this week by Dan Karlin, a psychiatrist and CEO of Healthmode, a company working on tech solutions to help monitor and track covid-19. If you would like to participate in Healthmode’s research you can sign-up at Additionally, the team speaks with a caller who gets some great tips on how to reach out to family virtually after being distant for many years. TIP: Connecting family together can start with a simple one-on-one Zoom call that builds up to a full family happy hour session! And remember — we want to hear from you — how are you doing? What are you doing? What have you learned and what's hard? Call us at 858-255-1770, leave a message with your story. Or download the Listen App for iPhones. We're receiving messages there as well. DISCLAIMER: Listening to a podcast is not a substitute for getting real help. The show is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical and/or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified mental health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or mental health needs. And if you really need help now: Text the Crisis Text Line: text the word HOME to 741-751 1-800-Life-Net if you want or need to talk to someone right now. Pandemic Check In is produced by Western Sound and Brooklyn Minds.