On Becoming a Parent

As soon as you become a parent, there's suddenly so much to lose, and the more you learn, the more you realize how little you actually know. Women are notorious over-functioning multitaskers. Preparing an extended support system to lean when a child enters your life is so important.  Childcare, going back to work, navigating conflict and maintaining connection with your partner, accepting and blowing off advice from others, following your intuition and more! An amazing voicemail from Laurie on pregnancy, birth and motherhood.    Parenting Resources:  Your One Year Old By Louise Bates Ames, Frances L. Ilg Parenting From the Inside Out By Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., Mary Hartzell, M. Ed. Playful Parenting By Lawrence J. Cohen Life With Baby Workbook By Erin Fassnacht, Amy Tucker Happiest Baby on the Block By Louise Bates Ames, Frances L. Ilg Build Your Nest By Kestrel Gates Whole Brain Child By Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., Tina Payne Bryson https://kellymom.com - for breastfeeding

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