Unhealthy Relationships
What are some signs of an unhealthy person or relationship? How do you feel about yourself, or how do you feel around a particular person? How do you feel when a particular person appears on your social feed? Do you feel less than? Do you feel confused? Do you feel isolated? It’s normal for people to unconsciously seek out familiarity in people or relationships, even if certain traits we find familiar are unhealthy. Ask yourself: Is this what I want? Is this who I want to be? Growing up is a process of becoming our true self. The best defense against a toxic person is knowing yourself and being yourself. Some relationships are just not destined to work. You may not be someone’s cup of tea. Gaslighting! Manipulation through psychological means. Have you ever felt like you were going crazy because someone has made you feel like you cannot trust yourself of your memory of events? It’s very difficult to navigate around when nobody can agree on reality. Can an unhealthy relationship become healthy? In most circumstances, yes! Changing an unhealthy relationship takes both parties doing the work. Insider tip: If you do enough work on your own, the other party will become uncomfortable enough to make change. Change may end up being a dissolution of the relationship altogether. Pursue your own authenticity and joy in every relationship. Trauma bonding! Deep intimacy can form from experiencing trauma with another person. There are existing resources to help those in relationships where domestic abuse exists. Letting go of an unhealthy relationship can be easier said than done. Healthy relationships should feel like a safe place to be your authentic self. You should feel respected, supported and accepted for who you are without withholding parts of yourself or engaging in people pleasing. Moving through disagreements is part of a healthy relationship too! Sally wrote jokes for today’s sign off.