Secret Keeping
The SIMS Foundation approached Patty about being on the board, and she’s really excited about the opportunity. Sally’s got some good quotes to share about secrets, which is what we’ll be talking about today. Here’s one from Brené Brown, who we love! “Shame needs three things to grow exponentially in our lives: secrecy, silence, and judgment.” - Brené Brown For every secret Patty has, there’s at least one person who knows. Sally keeps secrets like canned beans, but her real secrets (those with more gravity) are locked away from the world. Patty shares one secret she’s been holding in for a long time. Sally reminds us that we all make mistakes and bad choices all the time. One listener shares a positive story about healing through sharing a very painful secret with a close friend after holding it in for five years. Going to therapy and/or finding someone you can trust to confide in can be very helpful. A journal can be another place to dump your secrets. If you fear someone will find your journal and invade your privacy, try writing down your thoughts and then burning the pages. Processing and storing particularly emotional experiences and memories in the brain does not occur until the emotion around the experience is validated. Name it to tame it! Sally recommends the book ‘Whole Brain Child” by Dr. Dan Siegel. Holding onto mix CDs from past lovers and friends. Sally loves Patty’s lyrics. t's OK to cry. It's also OK to celebrate yourself. Why does Patty not like to make a big to-do about her birthday/anniversary? Another listener is ashamed of their virginity. Sally advises this person, (and all people who feel judged by others for any reason), to put it back on the judgmental party. That is NOT your shit! Remember that time Patty kept a significant relationship secret for three years and then Sally thought she was gay?