Ep. 18: "Budnic Got Rick???"
Episode 18 the fellas discuss Stevie J marrying Faith Evans, Demi Lovato, Dak Prescott and the Saga involving Bobby Budnic. The guys also dive into some interesting topics which include Vacations with your bae vs vacation with your homeboys, Bae all girls trips, Pre Pussy behavior vs Post Pussy Behavior, Love Languages, Are you happier single or in a relationship?, Dating a dead friends girl and more Don't forget to get your tix to the NWO Podcast Live show 9/15/19 Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-nwo-podcast-live-show-tickets-48169417023?aff=ebdssbdestsearchautm-medium=discoveryautm-campaign=socialautm-content=attendeeshareautm-source=cpautm-term=destsearch