Ep. 17 - Adulting, Handling a Stressful Career a Creating a Flexible Life Plan with Nellie Morley

Today’s guest is extra special. She’s someone who’s known me my entire life. Yup, that’s right my sister is on the podcast. Nellie is a teacher, world traveler and an amazing best friend. We chat all about her career in teaching, navigating friendships after college, making wednesdays as special as fridays, what happens when travel plans aren’t what you expected and creating a flexible life plan.   On this episode we talk about Choosing where to move after college Making friends again after college Why college doesn’t really prepare you for your first job (and why that’s ok) Balancing ambition and burnout Coping with disappointment when you don’t feel like you’re meeting your goals Managing feeling mediocre when you’re in the beginning of your career Creating small moments of purpose and meaning when you feel overwhelmed by your work so you don’t live for the weekend How to make Wednesdays as special as Fridays De-stressing after work and feel energized for the next day How Nellie decided to leave her first job Why you have to shift inward to find peace with your current situation How seasonal work can give you freedom What to do when the trip you planned turns out different from what you expected Being more honest with yourself when you are planning a trip - what do I need vs. think I should need Giving yourself permission to be honest with yourself (about what you’re comfortable with) Making decisions based on intuition vs. what you think other people are expecting Social media and travel comparison Making big life decisions without over planning   This episode is perfect for anyone: Navigating the begining of their career Feeling stuck at their job or feels like they live for Friday Trying to figure out where they want to live Working a 9-5 job and wants more flexibility Feeling lost when it comes to making big decisions Wanting to travel without the comparison trap   For more information and full show notes visit http://init4thelongrun.com

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