Ep. 14 - Being Your Own Boss, Rising Stronger After a Fall a the Business of Blogging - Rachel Mansfield
On today’s episode of the Chasing Joy Podcast I’m chatting with friend, fellow blogger and former boss, Rachel Mansfield. Rachel runs the (super) popular blog and instagram: @rachLmansfield. What started as an overnight oats account grew into a healthy recipe brand. We Talk About How Rachel got started blogging The surprising event that pushed her to blog full time How she stays healthy a happy working at home for herself What it takes to be your own boss Lessons she learned about being a boss from her job as a CEO's assistant How blogging helped her build confidence Rachel's struggles with her own body image How she's grown since starting her own business How she stays above the cliques and comparison that come with blogging What it was like to reintroduce meat back into her diet and live to blog the tale Links: Blog - http://http://www.rachlmansfield.com/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/rachlmansfield For more information and full show notes visit init4thelongrun.com