Episode 8: Of Course I Still Struggle
Most people look at the polished posts and before and after photos of people on Instagram and assume that there is no struggle associated with the finished product. In fact, there is struggle ALLLL behind the scenes. The same goes for me. Even though my pics are polished, people still struggle in real life, just like you! Here are a few ways for how you can connect with Dr. Ebony and learn more about her work: Visit drebony.com/foodisnotbae for additional information about the Food is Not Bae Online program. Grab the Food Is Not Bae Book at foodisnotbae.com. Connect with Dr. Ebony via social media: Instagram: @drebonyonline Facebook: @drebonyonline (Dr. Ebony's public page) TOOLS If you're looking for tools to help you learn how to structure your meals, or just want to join my email list, grab the freebies below! 28 Days of Self-Care - learn how to effectively practice self-care 7 Day Whole Food Reset - get an idea of whole foods that can help you practice more balance