Episode 4a: What I Wish I Knew About Weight Loss - Part 1
This episode is broken into two parts. There are so many lessons I've learned and I want to share them all! In this first part of this episode, I start off sharing with you some of the struggles I had when I first started losing weight. While I would say that my health journey has taught me a lot, there were some things I got terribly wrong and some things I wish I had done differently in the beginning. Let's chat about it! Here are a few ways for how you can connect with Dr. Ebony and learn more about her work: Visit mysisterskeep-her.com for additional information about the Un-Diet program. Grab the Food Is Not Bae Book at foodisnotbae.com. Connect with Dr. Ebony via social media: Instagram: @drebonyonline Facebook: @drebonyonline (Dr. Ebony's public page) TOOLS If you're looking for tools to help you get started, or just want to join my email list, grab the freebies below! 7 Day Reset 5 Day Meal Guide