Unapologetic Eating
Today I talk to registered dietitian and intuitive eating counselor, Alissa Rumsey, about her upcoming book Unapologetic Eating, and her journey to intuitive eating. Alissa's Website Alissa's Instagram Alissa's Book This episode's sponsor: FODMAP Freedom. This is for you if you have IBS and feel stuck on the low FODMAP diet. The low FODMAP diet might help alleviate some symptoms, but it's not getting to the root cause of why you have IBS in the first place. FODMAP Freedom in 90 Days Dr. DiNezza teaches you how to get to the root cause of your IBS. Whether you're stuck on the low FODMAP diet or you're trying to avoid having to use it, FODMAP Freedom will give you the roadmap and support you need to get well. Dr. DiNezza has helped hundreds of people with IBS and SIBO cure those conditions, balance their guts, and enjoy a less restrictive diet. Follow Dr. DiNezza on Instagram @TriangleGUTS to learn more about FODMAP Freedom and join her upcoming free workshop "Three Sneaky Things Holding You Back From IBS Success."