Let’s Talk About Weight Loss Surgery
Let's talk about bariatric surgery/weight loss surgery! Today I am chatting with registered dietitian Kirsten Ackerman, who specializes in intuitive eating and health at every size, who also used to work with patients who had a bariatric surgery. We talk about lots of risks and common experiences that people who have undergone bariatric surgery experience. We also talk about how now, during this pandemic, is a really hard time for people to begin healing their relationship with food, and why! I also talk about my new quarantine activity: watching all the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies and watching every Sebastian Stan interview. A Sebastian Stan Stan, if you will. Show Notes: 00: HELLO YOU COOL CATS AND KITTENS 2:40 My chat with Kirsten Ackerman on intuitive eating weight loss surgery. Follow Kirsten on instagram! Kirsten's website and podcast! 28:45 Reading two listener emails! 37:57 EFT Tapping / Energy Work 43:19 Rambling about tiny head concert series, marvel, and how I'm reverting to old coping mechanisms of living in a fantasy life during quarantine.