SPROUTS: Can You Believe I’m Excited About This?
You’d never know it, but the often overlooked sprout can be a powerful food source. I’ve often relegated the sprout to the dust bin of history—hippie food from the seventies. But not only are they very much alive, they are truly the perfect food for a pandemic. Here’s why. You can actually grow sprouts in just a few days right in your kitchen. And man … are they nutritious! Not to mention, a very cool little science experiment for the children underfoot. Here’s what I learned from my chat with sprouting expert and author of The Sprout Book, Doug Evans: Why sprouts and why now? Why seeds specifically for sprouting work better Basic steps to sprouting Why lentil sprouts are better for you than cooked lentils Sprouts versus meat (yes, they have that much protein) How to scale up for more in your diet – and what the copious benefits are Why is sprouting the healthier choice than even juicing? RESOURCES Blog post: How (and Why) to Walk for Maximum Self-Care Book – The Sprout Book Broccoli seeds for sprouting Jar lids Johnny’s Seeds for Sprouting Sprout People’s Beginner Sprout Kit Find wide mouth mason jars at your local hardware store. (Or Amazon) Food grade muslin can be found in grocery stores. (Or Amazon) Doug’s recommended seed source The Extremely Busy Woman’s Guide to Self-Care MORE ABOUT DOUG EVANS Doug Evans is an early pioneer in the natural food industry. In 2002 he co-founded Organic Avenue, one of the first exclusively plant-based retail chains in the country. He then created and founded Juicero, the first fresh, farm to glass automatic cold-press juicer, with the mission of bringing fresh-processed foods to the home. Doug lives in the Mojave Desert on a permaculture hot springs oasis.