Supplements for the Best Health You Can Imagine with Dr. James LaValle
Okay, we’re gonna power down on the technical side of self-care this week, in this amazing interview with Dr. James Lavalle, arguably one of the top experts on supplements. Because I honestly want to know—do they really work? Or are they just fluff? But first, I begin with my essay, Ten Meditation Tips for Extremely Busy Women. I wrote this a few years back when I really got that it’s impossible for some of us to slow the heck down. And, as usual, that begins with me. So here’s what I learned…. In talking to Dr. Lavalle, I was blown away by the depth of his knowledge. He is the real deal, ladies. And he has a lot to say about optimizing women’s health. (Also, I do want to remind all listeners to check in with your own physician before beginning any course of supplements, just to be safe.) Here’s what I learned: The biggest myths around supplements What is the correct way to determine which ones you need The truth about how botanicals interact with prescription medications Women’s greatest health challenges The perfect blend of supplements we all need … and why The myth around green drinks What nutrients are often depleted by your meds and why … Enjoy my friends! So glad you are here! RESOURCES Dr Jim LaValle’s books: Cracking the Metabolic Code Your Blood Never Lies Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract CoQ10 MultiVitamins Metagenics Phytomulti Supplement NuMedica Multi-Medica for Women Designs for Health Twice Daily Multi Vitamin Now Full Spectrum Mineral Caps (Please note: the following products were selected by Suzanne) For Sleep and Anxiety Melatonin Spray Theanine Chewables Reduce Cravings Relora 300 mg MORE ABOUT DR. JAMES LAVALLE James LaValle, is a nationally recognized clinical pharmacist, author, board certified clinical nutritionist, founder of Metabolic Code Enterprises, Inc., a web platform and practice solution enterprise, launching AIR Support and the Metabolic Code Assessment. He is author of 16 e books and 20 books including the most recently released, Your Blood Never Lies, as well as his best seller, Cracking the Metabolic Code, along with Smart Medicine for Healthier Living, Nutritional Cost of Drugs and The Cox 2 Connection. He was named one of the “50 Most Influential Pharmacists” by American Druggist magazine and was one of only nine Americans selected to participate in the inaugural Dietary Supplement Education Alliance a Dietary Supplement Information Bureau. LaValle served as the nutrition correspondent for Body Shaping, the number one fitness show on ESPN II in the late 1990’s. Jim is a favorite interviewee for the media related to natural care, and has done well over 500 media appearances in T.V. and radio.