Suzanne on Have Better Boundaries Now

You know when you have strong boundaries because people don’t take advantage of you. You know how and when to say no – and you know it’s a balancing act. But for some of us … boundary setting is not so easy. I lay out the basics here, and begin with a little context setting. I read a very popular essay I wrote a while back called ‘Are You a Drama Junkie?’ Then I get into the meat of the matter when it comes to boundaries. You’ll learn: Why they matter so much to self-care How you know if your boundaries are weak How to know if a boundary is being violated The lies busy women tell themselves to keep bad boundaries in place … and why Encouragement and practical tips for how to proceed in a healthier way It’s all here in a scant half hour … hope you enjoy! And I’m SO glad you took this little bit of time to honor your boundaries. Here’s to YOU!   RESOURCES The Extremely Busy Woman’s Guide to Self-Care Self-Care for Extremely Busy Women Facebook Group   MORE ABOUT SUZANNE Suzanne Falter is a writer, podcaster and essayist whose work has appeared in SELF, O, More, Fitness, New Woman and The New York Times, Tiny Buddha and Elephant Journal. She is the author of multiple self-help titles including How Much Joy Can You Stand? (Ballantine) and the upcoming book, The Extremely Busy Woman’s Guide to Self-Care (Sourcebooks). Suzanne also hosts the Self-Care for Extremely Busy Women podcast where she interviews leading self-care authorities and shares her own ideas.

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