TAP 007 - Kellen Milad on How Natural Movement can Help with Anxiety
Kellen's training methods have been informed by his exploration of various movement disciplines and his research into psychology and anthropology. He has spent over 10 years building his practice of physical training as well as a philosophy that is aligned with how he views the world. The result is a way of moving and living that he has come to call Free Movement. In this episode, we discuss combining exercise with mindfulness and being in nature. Links: http://www.theanxietypodcast.com Become an Anxiety Podcast supporter: https://patreon.com/anxietypodcast Subscribe to my Youtube Channel: https://youtube.com/timjpcollins?sub_confirmation=1 Retreats page: https://timjpcollins.leadpages.co/retreat/ To get my Toolkit to Overcome Anxiety go to - http://timjpcollins.com/free In the USA text "LEANIN" to 44222 Please click here to leave a review -http://getpodcast.reviews/id/1031117023 Join the Less Anxiety More Life community - https://www.facebook.com/groups/lessanxietymorelife/