77. Tiny Habits
Habit change doesn’t have to be grand, spectacular, or a massive shift all at once. In fact, it may be better to start small, tiny, you might say. In this episode, Scott Weingart and I break down the methodology from BJ Fogg’s Tiny Habits and give real world examples as to how it works (and might not work).
Tiny Habits was the selection for our most recent book club. We host these every few months and (free) tickets are available only to those on the mailing list. As you’ll hear us talk about in this pod episode, the discussion amongst the community is by far the best part of the book clubs. Our next book will be The Art of Learning by Josh Watizkin.
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We Discuss:
- A Tiny Habits success story [04:55];
- Why it may be better for habits to start tiny [07:10];
- The three step process of Tiny Habits begins with an ANCHOR MOMENT [08:05];
- The second step is the NEW TINY BEHAVIOR [10:25];
- The third step and most often neglected: INSTANT CELEBRATION [12:45];
- Celebrations that are intrinsically rewarding resonate better from some people than those that are extrinsic [14:50];
- Behavior swarm refers to using multiple specific behaviors that can help you achieve a big aspiration [18:50];
- Why temptation linking can be remarkably effective [23:10];
- The two things that make an action more likely to happen: motivation and the ease of doing it [26:00];
- Scaling tiny habits to larger habits [30:00];
- Atomic Habits by James Clear may be even more applicable to large behavioral change [32:35];
- Willpower and behavioral change [35:20];
- The psychological concept of streak perception [38:30];
- Using a negative emotion as a prompt for behavioral change [40:00];
- And more.